Spend More Time Doing What You Love... Helping Students.

We exist to help your team run smoother by fixing process bottlenecks, removing unnecessary manual steps, and giving you more time to focus on students.


Make the Most of Your Limited Time

With the increase in applications and admissions, completing everything you would like to do in a day can be challenging. We help you make the most of your time by learning what you do and finding ways to make the necessary changes for you to make the most of your time.

Provide the Best Advising for Your Students

Students will always be a constant in your role, but their needs constantly change throughout their time at the institution. By looking at ways to improve the student journey, you can ensure that you proactively exceed student needs.

Bring Your Voice to University Leaders

We help to bring your ideas on improving leaders both within your direct leadership team and with the leaders of other teams you work with on campus. Because we turn your voice into real data, it brings a reality to the impacts leaders cannot ignore. Leaders are now focused on the same priorities that you see every day.

No More Transformation Done To You, But Transformation Done With You!

Operational Agility

We strive to modernize, streamline, and align all people, processes, and technology to promote creativity, responsiveness, and innovation in all areas.

Align Structures

By aligning structures, resources, and goals, teams are empowered to optimize their operations, enhance student outcomes, and ultimately thrive in an ever-evolving educational landscape.

Becoming Proactive

We help you become proactive in your role opposed to reactive. By aligning structures accordingly, you can make change with ease


Capture Your Current State

We’ll rapidly engage you and capture over 15 layers of data to give you deep, actionable insight into your work and the entire faculty operating model.


Through our Leader-Led Change Management (L2CM) method, we’ll work with leaders to ensure the project is set up for success. We’ll load your existing data into our Enterprise Digital Twin platform and discuss goals and needs.


These interviews typically result in over 100 improvement ideas from your team.  All are documented, and ready for your review. We ask you about your work, what is working and what is broken while we gather hundreds of activities and thousands of data points.


Leveraging your team's insight and existing data, we construct your current state during the live interviews and identify bottlenecks and opportunities to increase team capacity and remove duplicate procedures and technology.


Our team will use your Enterprise Digital Twin model to extract an opportunity assessment that clearly outlines how to make the most significant impact. We will help coach you on how to prioritize and move forward.


You’ll now have an energized and aligned team rallied around your data and ready to move towards a common north star. Following the principles of Team Enabled Transformation (TEnT), your team works towards change together, including your on-campus partners.


Hear From Our Clients

“We couldn’t do this ourselves, we wanted to address our own issues but couldn’t until AO came along and asked the right questions, and laid it out for us which made it was really easy to follow”
Manager in a Leading Post Secondary Faculty
“I love this process. I love the collaboration and I feel like I'm making a difference even in my own day, just by vocalizing and talking it through. I mean, every time I'm here, I always learn more about my job and how to be the best that I can be. So thank you.”
Graduate Program Administrator in a Leading Post Secondary Faculty
“If you only talked to the manager about the process, you would miss a lot of detail and experience. What AO brings is an environment and whole-team approach that gets the full picture. This work is with the intention of “I want to make this better for everyone” whereas in the office, it can come across as complaining or a lack of desire to do the work.”
Graduate Program Coordinator in a Leading Post Secondary Faculty

Getting Leaders Involved

We know you can’t do it alone, so we ensure the leaders are involved and supportive throughout the project. We change mindset and encourage involvement across all parties to ensure change sticks and the team is heard.

We are excited to work with you!